Race Tapes

Race Tapes
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Raw, personal athlete moments without taking itself too seriously

Is it just us or does it feel like we're currently drowning in a sea of cookie-cutter sports docu-series? You know the ones - dramatic slow-mos, pregnant pauses after an interview response and enough F-bombs to make Samuel L. Jackson say, "Whoa, maybe tone it down a bit?
Red Bull
Europe & North America
days of production
# of Puppets

Time for something a lil' different

Don't get us wrong, we live for well told sports stories. But many of the current crop of series feeling like they were churned out by ChatGPT, maybe it's time to pump the brakes? OR add puppets? So that's what we did. For Race Tapes our friends at Red Bull Media House wanted to tell compelling stories around UCI Mountain Bike World Cup Downhill and Cross Country racing but ditch the tropes and cliches. Challenge accepted.


Total SE2 Episode Mins


"Naked" Puppet Scenes

Fun facts

We offset 6,970 of Carbon generated during production of the series
During production we ate 7 consecutive lunches at "Pizzaville" Loudenville
Our puppet's voice is Australian. No real reason why. We just liked the accent

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